Central Indiana GLW Rooster free to good home.


11 Years
Oct 12, 2008
Martinsville, IN
He has been known to show aggression towards my Mom and friends. He's ok with us, but occasionally tries to flog the dogs and I don't want him to push his luck, and result in my having dogs with a taste for chicken. Also, we have hatched some of his offspring and are keeping one roo. I have handled the new ones every day and am determined to have one I can pick up and deal with when I need to. I never did that with him and I regret it.
He's a beautiful boy and we hate to see him go, but I don't want Mom to get hurt.



He's about 18 months old and when we got him he was supposed to be a pullet. (we aren't really supposed to have roosters.
I LOVE that picture of his face! He is beautiful! Do you mind if I print it? I am an artist (who doesn't have much time to paint, thanks to 3 little ones!), but I think that he would be fun to work on! If you'd rather not, I understand!
Go for it. But bring it to the chicken stock. I'd just like to see it. If it's done.
And I think I posted this on the wrong thread. Can someone move me?
Thanks! I am trying to convince my hubby that we HAVE to come! It sounds like a lot of fun.
I think you have to ask one of the mods to move you.
Hello, I am in Franklin & I'd love to take him off your hands if he is still available. He is definately a good looking bird, you said you had a hatch, & r u selling any of them? Steve
Me too!
I now have quite the puncture wound in my leg from yesterdays fiasco. And this fat girl couldn't catch him although I did give it my very best shot. There was blood everywhere--all mine.
He ran in his pen, finally and spent the rest of the day in Time out. He did not like that at all and he has kept his distance from me, today and minding his manners, but I can't take a chance on that happening to company or Mom.

Steve, I PM'd you.

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