Ceremony for putting incubators away

ChickBond 007

Licensed to Cull
11 Years
Feb 26, 2009
Madison County, Iowa
I've cleaned the incubators up, and tucked them in the storage room for the year... (I think)... yes, I'm walking down the stairs.
I feel like the "Funeral March" should be playing.
Don't DO it!!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....
HAHAHAHA: That is usually the time, when at least 3 of my hens go broody at the same time and well, you know what I will do, right? Cannot get the incubator out of storage, but hey, let the girls have fun..........
Your only about an hour from me - I bet I could run down there real quick with some banty eggs...

I just set one last hatch last night. Trying really hard to get a fertile egg from my EE who *sometimes* lets my BCM roo almost catch her. So far she hasn't had a fertile egg since I got rid of my Golden Lakenvelder. She is quite picky about her men.

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