Change in egg size?!?


May 25, 2016
I had quite a surprise today to find this little egg in the nesting box! We have 5 Bovan Browns. Been laying great since last May. Usually all normal sized eggs (like the one on my fingers), but today this smaller brown one appeared along with 4 normal sized ones

Should I be concerned? (I'm still very new to chickens!)

Thanks in advance!!

They are called fairy eggs, and are a glitch in the system. Usually they contain a small piece of yolk, or oviduct lining, and sometimes a tiny complete yolk. The egg system sends them through like a regular egg. Nothing to be worried about, they are mostly seen as the hens are beginning to lay or when they are starting to shut down.

The interesting part is the same pigment gets applied to a big egg and a little egg so the little eggs will be darker and the bigger egg lighter because the pigment gets spread out.
I have 6 Bovan girls and one that will produce a tiny egg. The tiny egg just started the last couple of months. I don' t know if this is due to the cold winter we just came through or not. I don't always get one tiny. As these eggs have no yolk I use them in making desserts requiring egg whites.
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