Change of plans

Today's harvest, got our first atomic tomatoes! Going to make squash casserole for dinner:drool


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Today's harvest, got our first atomic tomatoes! Going to make squash casserole for dinner:drool
The picture doesn't do the tomatoes justice, they have all this marbling, they almost look like gems! The last 2 times I've tried to grow them they got devoured by fungus 1 time and tomato worms the next. There are probably 40 more on the plant that aren't ripe yet, and the lemon squash plant is doing crazy good this year!
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The picture doesn't do the tomatoes justice, they have all this marbling, they almost look like gems! The last 2 times I've tried to grow them they got devoured by fungus 1 time and tomato worms the next. There are probably 40 more in the plant that aren't ripe yet, and the lemon squash plant is doing crazy good this year!
Jealous! Meanwhile my tomatoes are like 1' tall and scraggly, sigh. Squash (planted from seed late last month) has 3 leaves lol.
Jealous! Meanwhile my tomatoes are like 1' tall and scraggly, sigh. Squash (planted from seed late last month) has 3 leaves lol.
Well when all my stuff is in flames because it's a billion degrees out and you couldn't buy a bucket of rain right now I'll be admiring your tomatoes 😉
Well when all my stuff is in flames because it's a billion degrees out and you couldn't buy a bucket of rain right now I'll be admiring your tomatoes 😉
Want to sell: rain, cheap. Hubby hasn't been able to mow since mid May or so, since the grass is just way too wet and/or it's actively raining.
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Freya laid her first egg (in the run) 2 days shy of 22 weeks. It's a pretty green, kinda like sea foam green. Here's a pic of her egg and hers next to my OE Prue's egg (she's the one that's broody) hasn't laid since the 3rd


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First off just let me start by saying, holy crap is hot out for June! It was 102 today and 103 in the coop, my poor devoted broody Prue was literally standing above her eggs and panting, I decided she needed a break (even though she took one at 11) and picked her up to go out and get some water and whatnot. I'm sure the eggs will be fine, but my main concern is her! Note to self... no more broodies in bipolar summer heat! 8 days to go❤🤞

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