Change of plans

It's 8:18 and 94 out with 38% humidity, Prue took a good long break and is back in the nest, looks like a few more days of this crap and we might get a little relief with some rain and temps in the mid 90's🤞 let's go close up shop for the night
First off just let me start by saying, holy crap is hot out for June! It was 102 today and 103 in the coop, my poor devoted broody Prue was literally standing above her eggs and panting, I decided she needed a break (even though she took one at 11) and picked her up to go out and get some water and whatnot. I'm sure the eggs will be fine, but my main concern is her! Note to self... no more broodies in bipolar summer heat! 8 days to go❤🤞
Well what are you gonna do:idunnowhen it's that hot outside it that hot outside and to make it worse there was almost no breeze yesterday...I did put a solar powered fan out there to try and help, but who knows, I'm stuck at work until 4
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A few quick updates, first Prue is still at it, I gave her a quick dusting with livestock powder Sunday while she was off her nest just for preventative measures, she's taking pretty good care of herself. The garden is still going strong and we've got some rain and cooler temps in the forecast this week, woot woot! And we have our first eggplant growing, I'm sooo excited!!


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First outing! The other 2 ladies are the #1 and #2 hens (she is 3rd), they are the only ones allowed around the littles and aside from a gentle peck they behave quite well. Mom apparently found some yummy little bugs 🐛 cuz they had pits dug in 2.5 seconds, lol


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Need y'alls opinion, the littles are 1 week old, should I sell them now or wait till their older? Chicks, started pullets, POL pullets?

If you're sure which ones you do and don't want to keep there's no reason not to try to sell the extras now as chicks.

If they don't sell as new chicks you can re-list them once they're off heat as started birds and if they don't sell that way you can re-list them later as POL pullets. Raise the price every time they go up an age class to reflect the fact that you've got more invested in them.
If you're sure which ones you do and don't want to keep there's no reason not to try to sell the extras now as chicks.

If they don't sell as new chicks you can re-list them once they're off heat as started birds and if they don't sell that way you can re-list them later as POL pullets. Raise the price every time they go up an age class to reflect the fact that you've got more invested in them.
I'm not sure if I want to keep any🤷 they are beautiful colors especially the Isabel, but I just don't know. Maybe I'll list them and see what happens, ty

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