Changes of a aggressive rooster turning nice


Feb 2, 2024
I have a 1 year old EE mix rooster he is really big. When he was young he didn't seem to be aggressive but now he attacked and killed at least 1 or maybe 2 or the older roosters that I have ( at the time I didn't think that he killed the first one but now I suspect that he did. ) he's also been acting really wild towards me and he keeps looking at me and crowing over and over again. I'm just wondering whst the chances are of him becoming nicer as he gets older. Even if he would I don't know if I should keep him and want until he gets nicer because I already have a couple of nice roosters and I don't want him to kill them too. We were hoping to be able to keep him though and I could just keep him away from the order roosters but I don't know if I should keep a rooster like that for breeding. What should I do?

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