Chat N Chicknfun Thread

Hey guys n gals. I'm just going to put my eggs into lockdown. Will give you all up to date events as they happen!!

well heres hoping everyone is ok and not headachy or sick again but just busy with life !!! i wont be online quite as much myself tommorow as we have to make the trip to get the two new mallards...a pretty little girl and boy !!!!!
and good wishesto all...hoping everyone with hatches is having it good ..laters
That house looks a lot like my handmade duck house! Only a forest green! Love it. Easy and doesn't take up much space. I just had a peek at a few eggs. And two of the shipped eggs have beaks pressing up towards the air cell but haven't come through yet. As they aren't making any sounds. And it's pretty obvious as you can see it wobbling against the membrane when you candle. So I have gone and boosted the humidity to 75 percent now. So I can not worry about checking later. It's not officially day 19 till 2:30pm at its only 9:23. But I think as those shipped eggs have less room due to air. I think they will hatch earlier. Along with the 3 banties. Blah blah. Coffee time is sat next to the hatcher. Listening. My little man Seany is like mum mum mum mum mum mum. Lets go. Lol

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