Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

Hello! :frow What'cha up to today, Dawg?
Well, I went to art group today and then to club after so that was good. Then I got home and made dinner and took a nice warm shower and now I’m listening to music and just had a bowl of cereal. I tried watching a movie but I couldn’t focus lol oh well. You?
Sounds like a pretty relaxing day!

Me, I just did a couple things around the house, dishes and cleaning. Afterward I sat with my Easter hatch-along babies for a bit 🥰 Then my players informed me that they've decided we're having a DnD session tomorrow instead of Saturday like normal because it's spring break, so I had to get that prepared as the DM 😅 And I just came in from closing up my coops in this awful, cold, rainy weather, so I'm getting ready to curl up in bed and warm back up!

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