Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

This whole interaction is a shame, really. This was my first day on this website and I was excited to find a group of people similar to me. And now here I am having to defend myself?
Welcome to BYC.
Don't feel discouraged and don't feel you need to defend yourself.
Just ignore the nonsense.
The fact is that there are multiple explicitly Christian threads (Prayer warriors, Christian Home Schoolers etc.) and many, many, users who have specifically Christian notations in their signatures or their pictures..
I don't know how to benchmark properly against other sites as I don't do much social media, but BYC has always struck me as having quite a heavy Christian presence.
If I were you I would just ignore all that, and enjoy the community on this site - maybe this thread but also others - as well as the many true experts who can help by providing advice and answers to your chicken questions.
Just as @Sally PB said, you will form friendships over time that extend beyond chickens. I had a BYC friend at my house over the weekend and late last year I met another BYC chicken friend in person. I value both those friendships that have moved into real life, as well as others that remain entirely in BYC.
How about you tell us about your chickens?!
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I've met several people here on BYC I consider friends, even though we've never met. A lot of them are young enough to be my children (or even grandchildren), or old enough to be my parents (or close to it).

I have been brought to tears by their sad experiences, made to laugh out loud with their funny ones.

Some of them, I'm not sure of their gender, race, age, beliefs. But they are interesting people, and I enjoy chatting with them. That's why I participate in threads like this.
Well put.
My best friend is very devoutly Christian. I am not. That does not stop us from being very close friends. She invited us (hubby and me) to a service at their church. We went and enjoyed the fellowship.

Would she like to me to "be converted?" Yeah, probably. But our difference on this topic does not stand in the way of us sharing a lot of the rest of our lives. She doesn't push her beliefs on me. If I have questions -- and I've asked a few -- she tells me what she thinks.

When we get together for a meal, her husband says grace. I think that's not a bad thing at all. He is thanking God for the food, the day, the friendship. I am also thankful for the same things, even if I am not thanking any diety. I am grateful for the blessings I have.
My best friend is very devoutly Christian. I am not. That does not stop us from being very close friends. She invited us (hubby and me) to a service at their church. We went and enjoyed the fellowship.

Would she like to me to "be converted?" Yeah, probably. But our difference on this topic does not stand in the way of us sharing a lot of the rest of our lives. She doesn't push her beliefs on me. If I have questions -- and I've asked a few -- she tells me what she thinks.

When we get together for a meal, her husband says grace. I think that's not a bad thing at all. He is thanking God for the food, the day, the friendship. I am also thankful for the same things, even if I am not thanking any diety. I am grateful for the blessings I have.
I love this :love
This thread has been cleaned up.

Please use the report button instead of quoting or replying to posts you find offensive or that violate the rules.

Here is a link to the rules in case anyone needs to review them.

Thank you for your patience.
I don't. But the only thing the thread really specifies is that it's a non religious thread. So why would someone 'sad' it, other than because it being a place for people that aren't religious?
May I offer a possibility? Perhaps a religious person was sad bc they felt excluded from what is proving to be a very interesting thread? I lurked here for a while until it was stated that religious people are indeed welcome, provided they respect the non-religious nature and intent of the thread. So, color me 😄! This is a great thread!

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