Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

May I offer a possibility? Perhaps a religious person was sad bc they felt excluded from what is proving to be a very interesting thread? I lurked here for a while until it was stated that religious people are indeed welcome, provided they respect the non-religious nature and intent of the thread. So, color me 😄! This is a great thread!
Thats a fair thought. Unfortunately my mind goes to less happy conclusions usually when this gets argued so I tend to forget that there are other possibilities
Has anyone ever done a past life regression? I've talked with a friend about doing it, but it hasn't gotten past the, "Hey, that could be cool, we should do that."
I haven't, but I do have some indications of past experiences. Like, knowing plants and what kind of care they need, even their names, without ever having seen them before. And the weirdest one is knowing about the Titanic from a very young age, although no one had ever mentioned it to me.

I just know how to do certain things instinctually, and have odd attractions to certain places.

As for paranormal, lets not go there. Yes, I've witnessed some stuff.
I haven't, but I do have some indications of past experiences. Like, knowing plants and what kind of care they need, even their names, without ever having seen them before. And the weirdest one is knowing about the Titanic from a very young age, although no one had ever mentioned it to me.

I just know how to do certain things instinctually, and have odd attractions to certain places.

As for paranormal, lets not go there. Yes, I've witnessed some stuff.
WOW!! :eek:
I looked into past life regressions a bit more last night. There is a clinic that does hypnosis therapy near me, but it didn't say on their website that they do regressions, specifically. There may be a time commitment of several sessions, and not just a one shot deal. I can understand that; the therapist might want to get to know you better before attempting something that personal.

I haven't had any episodes of deja vu that I could say point to a former life. I've talked with people who have, and when they describe what they've experienced, I think, oh, no, that's never happened to me.

I'm just very curious. As I've said, I don't know that reincarnation is "real," since I haven't experienced it myself, but I don't know that it isn't.

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