Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

quick question. what is your definition of religious.?
it may be different than mine.

The dictionary definition for me. Basically relating to or believing in a religion.

This is how I spend my days...sitting outside avoiding my mother in law cause she's bat spit crazy and I hate her
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It's a good view! Hopefully it gives you some peace. ❤️

I have 2 hens that's from like my 2nd year in 4H and 3 from the year after (including a son of one of the hens). I aged out 3 years ago.

All of my original birds are long gone at this point, sadly. My oldest is 13 this year, though. :th

I totally thought you were my age.

*le gasp* am I the baby of the group?!

From the sounds of it, yes 😳
yeah it’s
The dictionary definition for me. Basically relating to or believing in a religion.

It's a good view! Hopefully it gives you some peace. ❤️

All of my original birds are long gone at this point, sadly. My oldest is 13 this year, though. :th

From the sounds of it, yes 😳
yeah it’s different, mine is helping people
12 this year. Has some neuro issues, but is still hatching and raising babies like she just turned 2

Aww, good for her! :love My 13 year old has had a couple bouts with crop issues, but seems to be going strong still. She never was interested in brooding, though, and at this point doesn't lay any eggs, either.
Religion to me = Bible thumper, no disrespect. Or in my mother in laws case "you're all going to hell" thats what she says all the time shes catholic 🙄 she told my step daughter if she marries a woman she won't be at the wedding.... she's 15 why would you tell her that! She cried for 3 days
That’s terrible!!!

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