Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

I had to catch up, this thread FLIES!

If you drop them and they hit just right, WHAM! Instant shredded plate. Has to do with the way they're manfactured under pressure.
I've found that Corelle does not usually break the first time you drop it, unless you drop it on concrete. But it weakens it, so the second time it gets dropped, it explodes. Tiny shards everywhere. And yes it gets hot. Not from the microwave directly, but it's glass, so it conducts heat. If the food in it gets hot, it will def get hot. Real hot!

Afternoon! I hope everyone’s enjoying their day.

So.. does anyone else have issues with their dogs trying to eat chicken poo 0.o Or just me
My dogs eat Chicken Doo, yes. Do I have issues with it? No. I don't let my dogs kiss me, it gives them stinky Chicken Doo breath. Frankly, I'm glad they do. My chickens make lots of deposits around the house. The dogs do a good job of clean-up duty. If they didn't, I'd be up to my ankles in it, and it doesn't seem to hurt them. I guess I'm pragmatic about it.
Ah. Then Malak. 😊
I would refrain from using English-derived names for religious characters, even if they are demonic. The character will have a more powerful impact if its character works with the name, and if the name adheres closer to the origin of the religion it is based on. Malak is Arabic for Angel, yet it carries a stronger, darker sound to it.
I would refrain from using English-derived names for religious characters, even if they are demonic. The character will have a more powerful impact if its character works with the name, and if the name adheres closer to the origin of the religion it is based on. Malak is Arabic for Angel, yet it carries a stronger, darker sound to it.
His name is Mark. I decided that he would keep the name he was given at birth as a human. My brother thinks it's ridiculous the one time I can get away with having a crazy name, I chose the only normal name I ever use
If you get in an accident, you want to replace the helmet because it likely will shatter the next time
I haven't ridden a bike in ... probably all y'all's lifetimes, lol. Although I used to ride more than I walked. But they didn't make bike helmets in my riding days, and if they had, we wouldna been caught, er, dead, wearing one! :lau
I haven't ridden a bike in ... probably all y'all's lifetimes, lol. Although I used to ride more than I walked. But they didn't make bike helmets in my riding days, and if they had, we wouldna been caught, er, dead, wearing one! :lau
I *think* it's mostly for like motor vehicle helmets, but I've been told to just apply it to all helmets to be safe. It's why you don't want to buy any used ones that show signs of wear like dents or scratches, cause they have already done their job and are compromised for when *you* need to rely on it
Same. I knew it was a lot of work, but it's a lot. It takes a lot of planning early-on, and that's not something I'm good at. FURTHERMORE, they're live animals and sh!t happens. And yes, I'm definitely breeding the serama. I might just do them from some point onwards. Right now I'll have to come up with a good marking system to tell what baby came from which female. Then I'll have to go find MORE birds. And yes, I'll also be doing the Tsouloufati as with this year. I'm pleased with what they produced. I'd like more crests, but what can you do. And yes, you spelled that correctly, but don't worry about it too much, since there's no way to accurately write it in English. Even I don't write it correctly, for time's sake. The singular is Τσουλουφάτη, and the plural Τσουλουφάτες. But its just too hard to translate all that into English

Planning is tough for sure, especially with chickens, because things definitely happen! For example, one of my breeding roosters that I'd planned to keep hatching out of next year unfortunately died suddenly over the summer, so now I've got to pick a male to take his place next year. As I said in another thread, I prefer to have more nebulous goals than definite plans with these birds so that I can adapt for when, not if, but when things don't go as I expected them to. 😅

And I'm glad I spelled that as right as I could have given the nature of the word!

I will say I think the thing I really struggle with in the stories is to not overwhelm with too many characters. Like my story now, I've mentioned a few family members, but in the family trees I've made, there are many times more, just for siblings, not including the neices/nephews and parents/aunts/uncles

Characters are my downfall in writing as well. I probably quite literally at this point have a million of them. I do more role play writing than like plotting out and writing a book, though, so I guess that just means I have a character for every situation. 😅

Okay, settle a debate for me and my brother because I'm clearly right and he's clearly insane.

If you were reading a book with a demon character, what would you expect his name to be?
What is the character's character? Is he a demon that is evil? Is he a demon by birth, but chooses to try to be more good than evil?

This is my first thought as well. I can't name a character that I know nothing about!

His name is Mark. I decided that he would keep the name he was given at birth as a human. My brother thinks it's ridiculous the one time I can get away with having a crazy name, I chose the only normal name I ever use

Nothing wrong with the name Mark if that's what you feel is most fitting there! It's your character, not your brother's. I think that's way more interesting than using some kind of crazy name in that instance, anyway. 🙂

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