Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

When my brother was in Kindergarten, his class took a field trip to a farm. He was standing near a split rail fence, his back to it. A steer touched the back of my brother's head with its nose. My brother ran over to my mom and said, "Mommy! That cow likes me!" :lau

He did end up working on a dairy farm, and having his own cows.
I have the same problem with horses.
They don't fit very well in the garage. especially when they get over 16 hands.

I can imagine, depending on the size of the garage!

Considering I only have a very full garden shed, I certainly don't have the room right now! HA! Although I'm considering some miniatures (not the ridiculously small ones, those that are more well-proportioned).
Flapping your hand around increases the chance a wasp will sting you - you need to freeze and stay completely still until it goes away!
Requires a lot of self control particularly if it is on your face.

Oh, I know this, just my first reaction with stinging insects is holycrapgettemoffameNOW 🤣 Luckily, I don't have them land on me really ever. Last time I was stung was actually because I didn't see a wasp sitting right where I grabbed a tarp to move it. 😬

I can imagine, depending on the size of the garage!

Considering I only have a very full garden shed, I certainly don't have the room right now! HA! Although I'm considering some miniatures (not the ridiculously small ones, those that are more well-proportioned).

There's a farm a few miles up the road from us that has those minis that are actually properly proportioned. Way too cute! :love

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