Chat room for non religious poultry keepers! :D

It's so fascinating that it's always this thread and the LGBT+ thread that get all of this guff about "separating people" and not the plethora of other threads in this section of the site that... also separate people by specific interests. 🤔
I have noticed that, too. But it is not even separation. Every group co-mingles throughout the site, and these threads are merely for like-minded people to gather to discuss whatever without other topics coming into play. I am religious, but it does not stop me from coming in here and speaking with you lot. When the topic of religion comes up from me, it is organic and relative to whatever else I may be talking about, but it is not the topic itself that I mean to follow, whereas the Jesus thread is more religious-based. This is not a matter of separation, it is a matter of personal interest and lifestyle; like an after-school group: You hang out where you feel the most comfortable participating. 🤷🏻‍♀️
It's so fascinating that it's always this thread and the LGBT+ thread that get all of this guff about "separating people" and not the plethora of other threads in this section of the site that... also separate people by specific interests. 🤔
Yep. I don't think I've seen it once in some certain threads that likely cause the same amount of 'division'
Ugh, I'm tired. This week has been too long workwise and my mom is trying to pass along whatever she was sick with last week to me. I can't count how many oranges I've eaten the past couple days to fight it off
I hope you feel better soon! :hugs
Most of my family outside my household is sick as well. Something is going around and making everyone nauseous. Ginger Ale really helps if it is your stomach that is bothering you. ❤️
I hope you feel better soon! :hugs
Most of my family outside my household is sick as well. Something is going around and making everyone nauseous. Ginger Ale really helps if it is your stomach that is bothering you. ❤️
Just a sore throat that generally fades to not real noticeable around lunch. Waking up is painful right now though with it and the occasional sneeze makes it flare up. Mom had the whole sore throat, stuffed nose, cough, all that, so I'm hoping I can just bypass it. Today's Friday though so maybe after I get home and get my stuff done, I'll take a short nap and try to catch up on some sleep and water. I can almost guarantee those were the holes in my defense this time. Also have a coldsore trying to form, so that isn't making me any better mood wise

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