Cheap Movable Tractor Your Hens Will Love Bugs And Chickweed This Was Easy To Make Even For Me


7 Years
Mar 31, 2012
mebane, nc

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My first post thanks to your awesome tractor. Is this something for fair weather? I am a newbie trying to learn where our new bantam chicks are going to live. I learn slower than they grow :)
My hens have a perm coop. This is just to move them around a bit for fresh grass and bugs. It is light but sturdy. On really hot days I cover some of the top with a tarp....
Thanks, that's what I figured. Would it be possible for someone to use that design but have a permanent coop attached? How does that work, are all chicken tractors just day care places and the permanent coops are somewhere else?
Great idea! I might consider something like that to get my chickens to a more grassy area during the day.

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