Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!


Please forgive me, but I had completely forgotten about this group.

I don't have any chooks at the moment, as I became homeless in Feb last year and the only animal that got to come with me was my black kitty, who is 16yo (The other Kitty's in my pic have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, either to old age or an untreatable illness) I have only just landed back on my feet and am now living in a nice home in a nice town.

I do plan on getting a couple of hens, as I do miss fresh eggs, but I need to make sure my yard is secure first.
Welcome back to BackYard Chickens! I'm so sorry for everything that has happened. Lots of hugs. :hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs
I'm glad to hear that things are starting to look up again. Hopefully you can get some new birds soon!
Hello everyone! It was a pleasant surprise to be included in this thread. Life has been busy with young kids and animals and a new job (I ended up quitting and returning to the old job).

We lost one of our German Shepherds to cancer in the fall…so I guess my username should be OneShepherd now. 😭

I still check in on the forum. In fact, I was looking the other day to see if there were any new reviews on the incubator I bought last spring.

I have 9 six week old (hopefully) pullets in the brooder right now (welsummer, barnvelder, white leghorn, and barred rock). What were the odds that Tractor Supply would have ALL of the breeds that I had pre-ordered at the online hatchery? How could I not get them?

Oh, and I have some eggs in the incubator. Yesterday I put 19 eggs in lockdown….so hopefully I will have some blue or splash Ameraucanas, black copper marans, and olive Egger chicks in the next couple days.
Wow, those are beautiful eggs! I was just talking to someone that didn't know dark-eggs were even a thing. I should point them to your pics. LOL!

It's wonderful to have you back, though I'm really sorry to hear about your German Shepherd. Losing a pet is never easy. 😢

It sounds like you've been keeping quite busy with the chicks and incubation projects! That's quite a coincidence with Tractor Supply having all the breeds you pre-ordered—definitely meant to be. Keep us posted on the eggs in lockdown! Fingers crossed for a successful hatch of those great breeds! Looking forward to hearing more about how it all goes. Thanks for keeping us updated!
Hi there, been a while and a lot's happened both in the world and our lives!
Anyhoo, we aren't raising quail anymore. The chickens we had were all mysteriously killed by a critter during the day while we were at work. All in one day. So we stopped with all of it until we could build a proper house and run for them, which we just finished. We have a brand new set of 6 red sex links and 2 silver laced Wyandotte chicks we just took out of the bathtub and put in the chicken house. We are excited to have them again!
Awesome on the new build. You should start a thread with some pictures of your new coop. We can help you spot any areas that you might have missed when predator proofing it.
Hi everyone,
I lost my job so had to move to the city. No more chickens for now. My dad had all my last hatched babies and they grew then someone's dog killed most of them. :barnie
Hope to be back homesteading and hatching baby chicks and ducks again someday.
Have you thought about raising one group/set of coturnix quail? Easy to do in a cage.
Hatching time here at our place...busy time of year...we just got done putting on our Spring poultry show here in indiana..white river show...and looking forward to a couple other spring shows this year.
Which categories to you show in?
Long time no see guys 😅

I haven't had any chickens in a couple years now since a bad relationship ending left me bouncing between family and friends couches for a while, I have been renting a room in a sharehouse for a year now and my landlord finally agreed to let me build a coop so long as I can properly fox proof it, as he had them a couple years ago and twice foxes got everything. So Im working on getting my birds back, a couple of my favorites have been staying with a friend this whole time.
1/2 inch hardware cloth is going to be your friend! Have you started the new coop yet or just in the planning stages?
Thank you for reaching out! Life got super busy and we moved from in town to a farm! My sister took my ducks into her big flock. We thought we would take them back when we moves, but they are super happy in her big flock.

So we started over with chickens! The house we bought came with a half decent chicken run that we have slowly been making changes to. My kids are in heaven and we are loving the chickens! I will have to get a more updated pic as they are much bigger now 😁View attachment 3812120
Take pics while fixing up the run and adding a coop too!
I'd like to see the before/after.
SORRY... I'm alive. I'm a Realtor so my life gets a bit hectic at time. This time of year work picks up and getting the garden ready takes up alot of my time. I try and hang out with my girls everyday before they go to bed. It lowers my stress and calms my soul.
The girls are doing good and loving their life. They love roaming around the yard. They follow us around like little puppies. They go everywhere we go in the yard. I let them in my garden while I was redoing my raised beds and fencing. They helped me with composting and turning the dirt. They looked forward to getting in that garden everyday. Now my fence is up and the garden is planted and they are restricted to the rest of the acre. This site has been super helpful to me when I started with my chickens. I check in every now and then and try and read and catch up and especially try to help new people getting into chickens.
What breeds do you have?
We’ve been doing well here, I think I gradually got a handle on it and had less questions to ask! We’ve pulled ourselves offline, mostly, and seem to be in endless activities!

The hens are doing great, though, but I actually fought an eagle recently who tried to swoop in and take my smallest one!
Wow. You were in the right place at the right time. Glad all are ok.
Hi all!!! Doing ok. Have grown my flock and my business. Focusing on Seramas and Silkies and Polish at the moment.
Have not been around much here I do apologize. MIL had a stroke and then had 3 more so that has been challenging to say the least. Hubby is working long hours and I still work from home which means I pretty much work 4 jobs in 1 lol.
Do you sell hatching eggs?

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