Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Well this post came at a great time because I finally FINALLY got my first chicks! :D

I’ll make a proper post about them soon, but I now am the proud owner of 2 buff Orpingtons and 4 Marans!


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Hello everyone! I currently have no hens. Of the four I originally got, four years ago, one died soon after getting her, one had to be euthanised after egg peritonitis, and on Boxing Day this year I lost one due to a respiratory infection (and a very traumatic visit at the vet, but that’s a whole other story). The last little girl was at a loss that day and I managed to rehome her to a local lass who fortunately made the rehoming process so much easier as she is as daft about animals as I am. I have the coop etc all still in place but am almost frightened to get more as I don’t think my heart could cope with more hurt. I do miss those feather-butts mooching around the garden though. 😞
You should try again.
Good morning from Germany, I hope all is well 🙂
It has indeed been a while.
I just hatched 2 bantam Amrocks, four speckled Sussex, three bantam Orpingtons and three bantam Sulmtaler last week.

Warm greetings and a happy weekend!
Welcome back!
We moved house!
Built my girls (now just 4 of them) a smaller run in my much smaller garden. I thought they would not be happy but now the spring has arrived they're laying more than ever so I guess they like the New house as much as we do!
Congrats on the new house!
Our initial flock (2020 - started during COVID) has blossomed. We went from 15 to 6 chickens (after rehoming roos and a couple of unfortunate wildlife encounters).

We started with a Rugged Ranch coop and matching expanded fenced run, but then evolved to allowing the girls to free-range throughout our 1/2 acre suburban property. Our neighbors got a kick out of it, some finding a clutch or two around Easter.

In 2023, for my birthday, my husband officially fenced in a huge portion of our side yard with 8’ tall deer fencing (burying the lower 2’ to prevent predators). We assembled a large American coop from Carolina Coops and then rented a rooster to mate with the ladies…. After incubation and a few visits (donations) to the Reef & Reptile company nearby, and the very fortunate rehoming of three remaining roosters, we have a nice flock of 17 wonderful hens. Moms & daughters. Although the second batch thinks I’m the mom.
Rented a rooster from who?
I've never heard of someone doing this before.

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