Cheesy but thank you guys


12 Years
Sep 3, 2007
Central NY
So I don't post a huge amount, but I read pretty obsessively over here, and have learned a huge amount, and I hadn't realized exactly how much until we noticed that a couple of The Collective had pecked spots on their wings yesterday morning (let me tell it's tons of fun to be rushing around setting up a hospital brooder when you're already running late for dropping off your daughter at day care and going into the hospital for an endoscopy, wheeeee), and it wasn't until this morning that I realized none of the other reading I'd done had really gone into detail about cleaning up hurt birds and how to work to prevent more picking etc..

I knew what to do (gently cleaned the wounded birds wings with some warm water, slathered them with antibacterial ointment, separated them out from the rest of the flock in a quiet, dark space, and promptly ordered some blu-kote spray and a red light to replace the white one in the main brooder to cut the pecking down, also started plans on a second brooder in case they're just feeling too cramped in their current brooder).

You guys are an amazing source of knowledge, and those of you who have been doing this for years are so generous with that knowledge, and it makes it so much easier for those of us who are just getting started on this.

So thank you all, so very much.
well, this time around..
I've had enough panicked "WHAT DO I DO!?!?" posts that I wouldn't say I have a handle on it all, but.. From learning from everyone here I knew what needed to be done to keep the little ones safe, and that was a good feeling, so I wanted to share my thanks.
Yeahhhhh, It's amazing how much you can pick up here even without looking for things though, thats the amazing thing. I had never even looked for what to do with a pecked on bird, just reading through and following threads, and yeah. But there is no way that I could have done it without everyone here posting and sharing their knowledge, so I'm really not the one who did good (which is why I had to send out a thank you

And the endoscopy, well, it went. It was easier yesterday, I'm actually *really* sore today (which sort of surprises me), and (though I don't remember a THING after they gave me the sleepy drugs, so this is all based on the notes he gave me) the doc said about what I sort of expected (GERD & IBS (the latter part of which makes no sense, as I don't really *have* bowel issues, it's all upper GI for me, but if what he prescribes/recommends helps, I'm not going to complain!)
Glad that your endo went well...
BlueKote, Pickstop or bitter apple works well for stopping pecking along with diversions..something else for them to peck at like a head of lettuce or cabbage, or a handful of millet sprays or things like that.
Obelisk likes the Parakeet shred a boxes. She has to open the box to get the seeds inside it.
Oooh I hadn't thought about those, that would be great fun for the kids, and they're getting old enough now that it's probably about time to introduce them to some yummy treats (and grit
) anyway!

And yeah, I'm glad it went well too, though I'm bloody exhausted today, which surprises me, I wouldn't have thought that it would take that much out of me.

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