Chick Brooder question.

The last one I used, was the best. It's on sale:

Of course, I had to put up cardboard (or coroplast if you prefer) most of the way around, and hardware cloth in the front, to keep the shavings/straw in it. I brooded inside with some smaller heat bulbs--75-150 watt.

I've brooded outside too, but after the mail order chicks stabilized. I had to put gopher repellent on the extension cord, because a critter chewed through a cord once!

You can provide some extra draft protection, like cardboard or a tupperware bin on its side with bedding in it and a heavy rock to stabilize it, and they should like that for at least a month. My first experience was chicks straight from TSC to the outdoor coop/run/brooder, and that worked well. If you go that route, make sure that the chicks are using the shelter/heated area as planned though---I went to check on them and had to quickly revise it--they were afraid of the ramp to the heated area!
We brooded our first 6 in a large cooler (removed the lid completely). We did have to cover it with a net by week 3 because they were able to fly out, but we moved them outdoors shortly after that.

Keep in mind- with the cardboard box suggestions I would be cautious if you plan to use a regular heat lamp. Use a brooder plate instead.
Yes, that’s always my concern when I see people using cardboard boxes and heat lamps

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