chick color?

Pretty! I'm not totally sure, and am by no means an expert on anything, but it looks blue barred to me. Is that even possible?
Oh my goodness, I would be in heaven if this guy were blue! That's my favorite color and I was hoping for one in my assortment but didn't get any that were obvious blues. I thought for a while he was mottled and he does have a few white feathers in his wings, but this is what he looks like at 6 weeks old. I've heard that blues can have a few white feathers so I'm really crossing my fingers that's what he is.

mama24: I think blue barred is a color, but not likely on this guy. He is from Ideal Poultry in an assortment of bantam Cochins. They do offer barred cochins, solid blue, mottled, among a plethora of other colors.
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He definitely looks blue. I love blue, too! Does he really look barred, or is it just the lighting in that one pic. I do think he's a boy, btw.

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