Chick died while trying to hatch


7 Years
Mar 12, 2017
North Alabama
I just had 7 chicks hatch in my incubator The last one pipped, but I noticed a crusty yellowish substance around the air hole. The chick was peeping and I could see it's little beak opening and closing. I noticed more of the yellow (mostly clear) stuff crusting on its beak. I tried to rub a q-tip across its nostril so it could breathe, but it didn't make it. Idk what happened, but had anyone seen this before? Whatever the yellow stuff was it started out wet, then dried to a crust really fast. I know this may sound vague but I don't know how else to explain it.
I'm happy that the other 7 are doing well. But sad about the little one that didn't live. My flock was reduced by 3 when a fox kept getting my hens. Then I had to rehome 2 roosters due to lack of ladies. 2 of the hens I lost were lavender orpingtons I hatched last year. But they left me some eggs, so three of the seven are LO. That's good news! But I'm still bummed.


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