Chick enrichment/toys


In the Brooder
Mar 20, 2020
Hello! I have 5, 2 week old chicks and I was wondering what I could put into their brooder for enrichment. They are tearing their brooder apart foraging around and I would love to give them something to do. I'm looking for safe ideas for them, I was thinking maybe cat toys would be fun for them to push around and peck at. Has anyone done something like this before? Is it dangerous for the chicks to put things in their brooder? Thanks!
Not sure what your bedding is, but if you put some plain dirt from outside in a pan and let them dig around in that, they'll be thrilled.
Thanks for the reply! I will try that out tomorrow! Would it hurt them at all to include some grass and plants?
Thanks for the reply! I will try that out tomorrow! Would it hurt them at all to include some grass and plants?
I would actually encourage adding small bits and pieces of grass for them to peck and nibble at! (Nothing too big or large that could impact their crop) I'm not an expert at what's good and whatnot, but my chicks just hit 3 weeks old, and absolutely love the pieces of clover and grass I throw in for them. Plus, gives them a start at getting a taste for grass once they are outside ;)
(I try to give them very small pieces so they can enjoy eating them).
I would actually encourage adding small bits and pieces of grass for them to peck and nibble at! (Nothing too big or large that could impact their crop) I'm not an expert at what's good and whatnot, but my chicks just hit 3 weeks old, and absolutely love the pieces of clover and grass I throw in for them. Plus, gives them a start at getting a taste for grass once they are outside ;)
(I try to give them very small pieces so they can enjoy eating them).
Thank you for the reply! I will definitely try this for them tomorrow
A little clump of grass isn't a bad idea, it'll help expose them to the natural bacteria and such outdoors. Make sure it's not anything that was recently exposed to fertilizers or pesticides, and unless your dirt is naturally rocky, that you also provide them chick grit if you haven't already done so.
Hello! I have 5, 2 week old chicks and I was wondering what I could put into their brooder for enrichment. They are tearing their brooder apart foraging around and I would love to give them something to do. I'm looking for safe ideas for them, I was thinking maybe cat toys would be fun for them to push around and peck at. Has anyone done something like this before? Is it dangerous for the chicks to put things in their brooder? Thanks!
I used to like to put little roosts in their brooder.

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