
Feather Fluffer
5 Years
Nov 12, 2018
I picked up my three-day-old GLW chick to give her some love, and a minute later she looked down and jumped straight from my hands! She fell about four feet and bounced on the bedding. She's limping now and doesn't want to stand. Please help!!!
Edit: she stood for a minute, but she's back down now. She was limp by badly. 😭 I'm also worried about a head injury, since she hit the ground so hard. I shouldn't let her sleep, right?
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Has she shown any improvement? Is she in pain all the time, or only when she puts weight on it? Any swelling?
Has she shown any improvement? Is she in pain all the time, or only when she puts weight on it? Any swelling?
I didn't notice any abnormal coloration or strangely angled limbs. She's trying to go about things as normal, but she's a bit slow and prefers not to walk. She mostly stands and sits, only moving when necessary. I'm not sure if it's hurting her outside of putting weight on it. She isn't acting like it hurts when she doesn't walk, other than keeping weight off it.
I didn't notice any abnormal coloration or strangely angled limbs. She's trying to go about things as normal, but she's a bit slow and prefers not to walk. She mostly stands and sits, only moving when necessary. I'm not sure if it's hurting her outside of putting weight on it. She isn't acting like it hurts when she doesn't walk, other than keeping weight off it.
I had a young bird sprain a leg, at the hock joint. It swelled and she was limpy and dejected.
I had a young bird sprain a leg, at the hock joint. It swelled and she was limpy and dejected.
What can I do if it swells? I can't ice it, it'll freeze her, won't it? It's been about four hours since she fell, but she's not being picked on. She's in with one male and one other female and they're pretty friendly with each other. The only pecking is grooming.
If the other chicks are ok with her being there, I would give it a few days. You could ice it, but I feel like she will be ok. Chickens are extremely hardy animals and can handle a lot. I had a very young pullet get stepped on my by my full Belgian Draft horse and she couldn't stand on it, it swelled, and we have no vet here for chickens. A few days later she was standing on it, then a few more she could limp-hop to run, then she was fine. It prob took about 1.5-2 months for her to fully heal up.

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