Chick Grit (photo request)


May 24, 2018
Northern Sweden

So I posted before about being unable to purchase any chick grit here. Still cant find any but preparing to let the little ducklings (two weeks old) out to forage in the garden. I don't have any sand out there (I know there is a risk of causing serious issues such as compaction) and suddently thought about if I should exclude them from certain areas.

I have this on top of my soil on my new plants:


would this cause the same issues as play sand if they have access to it, or is it actually quite similar to the chick grit you can purchase? Can anyone show me a picture of chick grit or describe the stone sizes? This says 1-3mm.

"Hasselfors Cultivation Sand, weight and structure are added to your soil. Is suitable for growing seeds and cuttings and is used to avoid grief mosquitoes or moss formation, prevent water evaporation and improve the microclimate. Mix in your soil if you want to improve drainage.

Specification: Natural sand 1-3 mm

English name: Horticultural grit

Qualities: Sifted Swedish natural sand"
I've never used chick grit, just free range them as soon as possible. We've never had a problem with it but of course, it's up to you if you will use it or not.
If you little ones are freeranging they will find their own grit in the soil. you only need to use chickgrit if you are feedign greens and other treats in the brooder.

The grit you are showing does seem about the same size as chickgrit and you might try it if you have no alternative. I would wash the grit and just offer a little in a feeding bowl. The ducklings instincts will tell them whether or noy to eat it. Mine ate a lot of grit -- may be a teaspoon each over the first week, but have ignored grit since they have been free ranging during the day.

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