Chick health


Jun 26, 2023
Looking for for advice and guidance. I have 2 Americana’s (EE) one who is a crossbeak and the other for a buddy (unfortunately they are now flighty after giving way the other chicks … they were very friendly in a big group… looking to add a couple more to help 🙈😭)

I was doing a lot of mash foods in deep dishes and they both have been growing well. My issue is that they seem to have been pooping the chick feed without digesting it (grainy) I then started an egg mixture and it’s helped but I now have watery clear poop. Is this because I’m giving too much water (watery food?) or stress because they are very flighty when I take cross beak out to feed? The poop is diarrhea when out but when I clean the the paper towels it looks like their are a few good poops mixed with diarrhea.

I do have other food (non mashed normal ) for the buddy but she wants what cross beak has(initially she wouldn’t let cross beak near the food… now they share).

Do I treat for coccidia? last time my chick had coccidia ( silkie - if look at my past history) it started off as smelly diarrhea then a few weeks later blood appeared in the stool.

These guys have non gone outside yet but were pushing pine shavings in their food

I took out the pine shavings and am now using paper towels to monitor their poop.

Thank you for taking the time to read and any potential advice!
In general I would not threat with antibiotics if a disease is not confirmed.

Watery poop can exist because of extensive drinking... Would you be able to post a few good quality pictures of the poops? It helps others with advising you...

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