Chick Holding Head Weird


7 Years
Mar 20, 2012
My Coop
My Coop
I have a Silkie chick that is about 3 months old. She has been health and doing great, until yesterday. Yesterday she was holding her head down with her nose pointed towards the ground, like she was looking at a bug. She did that all day yesterday and is still doing it today. She is eating and drinking normally, and is walking around with the other chicks. All of my chicks are in with my hens, so could a peck by a hen cause this? Could it be an eye issue?
Hi BaileyJean,

I would hurry out and buy a vitamin tonic for birds, as it's possible this is nutritional. I think the main deficiency that can cause the head between legs position is vitamin E (which is found in natural pressed oils like sunflower or rice bran oil, also in many fresh nuts and seeds).

Unfortunately silkies can be quite prone to head injury, because of their vaulted skull. So yes, it's possible this was a peck injury (in which case vitamins probably can't help, but won't hurt). In that case time would tell if it's going to be permanent or not. I would isolate her, make sure she can eat (e.g. by making food into a paste, rolling it into a pellet and putting it in her beak), try the vitamins, and wait and see.

best wishes
I will not be able to get the vitamin tonic till morning. I do have some Vitamin E oil, can I give the chick that? If I can give her that, how much? Can I prevent this with the other chickens, by giving them sunflower seed? I have her isolated, with another chick for company.
Thank you for your help!

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