Chick is constantly peeping we're worried


5 Years
Jan 9, 2019
South Georgia, USA
Our cat got into the chick room and killed one of our baby chicks. Her little sister escaped and hid. We found her and she is behaving like a normal chick. Eating, drinking, poking around but she constantly makes this peeping sound(see below video). Is this an injured sound or lonely sound or what? We don't know, we're getting her a little sister as soon as chicks come in later this week so if she's lonely that will be fixed in a few days however I'm worried she was injured and is just not showing any signs other than the peeping. Or is she just talkative and is safe and happy. Can anyone help?

I apologize for the formatting, this was done on mobile.
In my experience that’s the sound of a very content young bird appreciating her attention (and saying softly, keep that @$#n cat outta here). Loud peeping.... somebody’s not happy.
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