Chick making squeaking noise


Silkie Mom
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
Jul 22, 2021
EC Wisconsin
My Coop
My Coop
I've never heard a chick sound like this, and all the other 17 in this batch I hatched are fine. It's 8 days old. It eats, drinks, poops, and acts normal. It does this almost non-stop the last few days. I saw another thread on this where the video never got posted, and the "ailment" apparently went away. I could only hope as it's driving us nuts! (Brooder is in the house).

I did put VetRX under it's wings and on it's throat the past two days but not sure if that'd help anything.

How is your chick doing?

I'm sorry but the video that you posted is marked private, we are unable to view it.
Well that bites. I didn't realize it was marked private, and sorry. We couldn't take the peeping anymore as our brooder is in our livingroom. I took the chick out to the broody silkie and she took it. She went out to the kennel we have attached to the coop for situations like this. They were doing fine. That chick just didn't shut up though and it called something that came and got it. That was yesterday. All I saw was the hen flying around the coop and into the gate, and one rooster ran over there and immediately went around the coop but came back out the front so he didn't see what it was, nor did I. But the chick is gone. We don't have predator issues here, but we are next to a forest so who knows what got it. There's a hole we previously found dug under the kennel but assumed it was chipmunks as it's pretty small and we found a pile of seeds it was saving. The neighbor has rats so we were thinking one of them heard it and came over here.
Well that bites. I didn't realize it was marked private, and sorry. We couldn't take the peeping anymore as our brooder is in our livingroom. I took the chick out to the broody silkie and she took it. She went out to the kennel we have attached to the coop for situations like this. They were doing fine. That chick just didn't shut up though and it called something that came and got it. That was yesterday. All I saw was the hen flying around the coop and into the gate, and one rooster ran over there and immediately went around the coop but came back out the front so he didn't see what it was, nor did I. But the chick is gone. We don't have predator issues here, but we are next to a forest so who knows what got it. There's a hole we previously found dug under the kennel but assumed it was chipmunks as it's pretty small and we found a pile of seeds it was saving. The neighbor has rats so we were thinking one of them heard it and came over here.
I never knew it was set to private and think I fixed it now.
Poor little thing:(
I'm sorry for your loss.

I have seen videos of this before and the outcome for the chick was not good. I don't know why the chicks made that constant noise, but I can only assume they had some type of development issue since they didn't make it. I suspect possibly something to do with the air sacs, but that's speculation on my part.
Poor little thing:(
I'm sorry for your loss.

I have seen videos of this before and the outcome for the chick was not good. I don't know why the chicks made that constant noise, but I can only assume they had some type of development issue since they didn't make it. I suspect possibly something to do with the air sacs, but that's speculation on my part.
We sort of thought the same thing as you did, developmental issue, and it wasn't outgrowing it. We were sad about what happened to it as if we'd known it was going to be permanently peeping, we could have euthanized it ourselves. Ours are silkies or bantam cochin silkies, so prone to ailments yet we've never had one problem in the 100s or maybe it's 1,000s now that we've hatched so guess we were due.

Thank you for your thoughts and insight. I appreciate it.

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