Chick Not walking Please Help


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 30, 2014
Gold Bar WA
It's my first time hatching chicks and one of my chicks wouldn't walk. During inspection I found this. I have no clue what happened and don't know what to do?

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How old is chick? Clean wound/skin abrasion.

Could also be a tendon issue,run your thumb down back of leg from hock(leg joins body)to shank(scales start)press down while doing this,if it is a slipped tendon it will feel loose/springy/wobbly,similar to an elastic band(check other leg so you can feel the difference). Press down on tendon,you should feel it snap back into place. You may have to do this several times a day or if tendon does not stay in place,it can be wrapped to keep it in place. If you decide to wrap,make sure wrapping is not too tight as you do not want to cut off circulation.

When you run fingers down leg can you feel any fracture or is leg very swollen?

Make sure she is eating/drinking as tendon issues can be very painful.

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