Chick overload and store sold me sick chicks. HELP


Sep 3, 2016
Okay so with Easter just passing I fell for the baby chicks at Tractor Supply. So in my area if they do not sell the chicks by 3 days old they mark them down very low in price. I started off with 10 chicks at regular price 3.14 each then found them on sale for 0.50 so i got 18 more. The next time I went to get feed and the lady recognized me and told me she would sell me as many as I wanted for what ever i offered her so i payed $20 for 65 chicks that put me at 93 chicks. Well they had there last load of birds come in and started them at 0.50 and I had called to see if they had ducks they told me no but they had 20 chicks so i told them to hold them and i would come get them I mean what is 20 more at this point. I get there and they have 4 large boxes ready for me and i start looking and it said 64 chicks on one box 15 on one box and 2 boxes with 17 ducks and a box of 3 ducks. so 37 ducks and 172 chicks. So with some of the first ones we had some get sick fluffed up and stopped eating we lost out of them 24 chicks not good I have no clue what happened I had them under multiple lights and had 5 waters and 5 feeders two large tanks for them and so now they are going on 9 weeks old no light and are outside on the ground in their own little pen. The last ones i got are only a few days old and the people at the store threw all the sick chicks they had in the back in my box so now i am losing chicks and i don't know why. They will look fine and a couple hours later they will be on their side and cant stand and die with in 5 hours of getting sick we have lost 6 in 3 days. What could it be they are bantams so really small they have heat food water i tried save a chick and have medicated feed. I move the sick immediately but how do i stop it.
Wow. The chicken math really got you. :) Are you using medicated chick starter?
Coccidiosis is the first thing that comes to mind. Get some corid (or amprolium) and treat them in their water asap. Ones that are standing still or not eating... treat them directly by giving them the medicated water. They may not have the strength to manage on their own.
Standing still and fluffed up are the classic signs for coccidiosis. You will know in a day or 2 if that's the proper treatment because corid works quickly and the deaths will stop.

Other than that, I would check that they are at a good temperature and all have access to the food and water and not overcrowded. Also, watch for any signs of respiratory problems (watery eyes, sneezing), just in case.
Could be overheating. Are the brooders large enough for the chicks to escape the heat when needed? Could just be shipping stress, which there is not much you can do about. Sometimes, it's just too much for them to overcome.
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