Chick Piped at skinny side of egg! What can I do?? URGENT HELP!!

Any updates? Woke up thinking about this chick! I hope it makes it, but please don't be surprised if it doesn't. That side of the egg just isn't designed to "let the chick out" like the other end is. Any progress this morning?
The chick so far is doing fine. Its is still trying to get out. I had 1 hatch tonight so it might help encourage the others to come out. I think I will assist it some. Its already piped and broken the membrane and can see it little beak poke threw some. Just dont think it can move around very much in there to break the shell.
Well it got out. But seems to be bleeding from its rear end pretty good and its not really moving around much just laying there breathing.

Did you assist? If so, it will be weak. A lot of blood? If it hasn't passed, you can stop the bleeding by holding your finger on the end..with a paper towel, or very clean cloth, put pressure on it, until it stops. Then, put some neosporin on it. Just hold your finger there for a while.
I did assist just a little but nothing that would harm it. I just took little of the shell off and opened the membrane just a little. It was so tight in there that it couldnt move around. It was stuck in a weird position as well. Seems its doing better now. Bleeding stopped on its own and its up moving around now.
I did assist just a little but nothing that would harm it. I just took little of the shell off and opened the membrane just a little. It was so tight in there that it couldnt move around. It was stuck in a weird position as well. Seems its doing better now. Bleeding stopped on its own and its up moving around now.


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