Chick seems drunk...?


11 Years
Aug 26, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
On Saturday I noticed this bantam chick had a messed up leg. I don't know what happened, I thought maybe one of the big fat evil Silkie chicks sat on it. Today the chick is still messed up. It seems to have mild spraddle leg, but it can still hobble around really fast. The strange part is the chick's head won't stop bobbing. It's like the chick is drunk or has just been spun in circles! Even though it's drunk it still eats and drinks normally (full crop) and is very alert. It can fly out of the box its in and hobble around at top speed.

I made a video of the chick falling asleep. (It's not lethargic, just sleeping.) You can see how the head keeps moving around and the chick can't make it stop. This is my daughters favorite little chick, she's 4.5 years old and so worried about it. I have no idea what's wrong with it. There are no other illness symptoms, so I'm thinking maybe when its leg got hurt it also got some neurological damage? Any ideas?


Also, the chick came from the TSC bantam bin, so any guesses on breed or sex are welcome. I'm thinking maybe OEG or Japanese bantam and fingers crossed for pullet. Fingers also crossed that s(he) doesn't die...
Hi Andora,

I am soo sorry to hear about your baby. It so stinks when they get sick. I will give you the same advice I have someone else on here today try Hypericum 30c homeopath. It helps with nerve issues and pain.

If her leg is broken it will help her some with the pain management. I would also tell you to try splinting the toes lightly. I had this one chick about a year ago, I thought it was majorly hurt. Like a brick fell on it. I thought it was spinal damage etc.. I took many different routes trying to figure it out. wrapped the leg with a paper clip splint, cardboard on the toes. Finally just took medical tape and wrapped each toe individually and he started walking pretty normal. I really wish I had known about hypericum then to help with the pain.

Birds in general do not react to pain like we would assume. With them being one of the lowest on the food chain they they are often very stoic to pain. So pressing on it's legs is sometimes but not always a good indication if something is hurt. I would tell you to just put some "vet wrap" the stuff they put on you after donating blood, or use on wrapping wounds on animals. Wrap it lightly to support the leg, check the leg for swelling or circulation issues. it is a pressure wrap. I will wrap toes with medical tape, a few times around seems to be stiff enough to provide support. You could start with the whole leg and toe for a night or two. But keep checking for swelling. Then after a day take the leg wrap off and see how she moves, if she gets worse you know it is the leg, if she keeps walking it is the toes. If she doesn't improve with either, just keep giving her the hypericum time and the splint. If she is really hurt it may take a few days for it to get better.

Here is a link to that other message that has more about the homeopath and an herbal treatment for nerve/pain issues. it is message #11.

I hope she gets better.. After having some hurt/sick chicks lately I understand how upsetting it can be.

Let us know how she does


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