Chick with bad foot?


11 Years
Jul 28, 2008
Colorado Springs
I picked up a few chicks from the feed store today, and once they were home I noticed that one had a black foot that is all floppy and turned outward kind of. I can try to get a picture of it in the morning. It seems to be otherwise acting fine. Any ideas what this might be, and/or if it will have a chance? Thanks!
It sounds like it may be broken or dead tissue. Pics may help. In my personal opinion, the humane thing to do would be to put it down.
That does not sound good. You should have posted this under "emergencies/diseases/injuries & cures". If you are sure the foot is dead you may want to cull.
Unless you are prepared to have a special needs bird. Some say birds will do fine with one leg. I am leaning toward culling.

If you want to keep it alive, something needs to be done witht the foot. It is going to end up with blood poisoning from bacteria feasting on the decaying tissue.

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