Chick with splayed legs and maybe a slipped tendon. Not getting better


Aug 12, 2020
Hey all. Thanks in advance for having a read and helping.

Chick hatched on Monday and had a really tough hatch. Was a bit of blood etc. But came out with leg issues and unable to stand. Did lots of research and scoured the forums here as well to start treating it.

Gave it a sandle for its toes, used vet wrap to link its legs together. It now can get up and hop around on the one leg or sort os use the sandle of the other foot to help a bit. It has a real appetite and is eating and drinking nicely but is still quite small compared to the other 2 chicks that hatched. My dad incubated a mix of eggs he bought off a local farmer, so we have no clue what breeds we are dealing with.

My issue is that the leg is still bent/twisted, it's not putting weight on it either. Looking around, perhaps it's a slipped tendon. But when we straighten the leg we do not feel or see anything and do not want to pull too much. If it is a slipped tendon, how much do you straighten it? And once you have, how straight do you make the splint for it? Happy to pop the chick in a chair etc, but have no idea how straight the leg needs to be kept.

Here is a youtube video of the chick. I am hoping someone can help confirm if we need to straighten the leg and put the chick in a chair. And if so, how straight are we talking here. I am happy to do whatever I can to help the chick, but I also do not want it to suffer needlessly. I hope you can help!

It does look like splayed leg is good. It does not look like a slipped tendon either.

How is the chick doing now?
Thanks for replying Ronott. Sadly the chick died yesterday. It looked like maybe a heart attack? But yesterday morning it was still eating and drinking and hopping around. It just looks like it had a nap and did not wake up. No visible signs of anything wrong, just looked a bit out of breath. But hopping on one leg would not have been easy.
I did have it at the vet on Friday just to double check that it was not in pain and the vet also agreed it looked fine and maybe would need a little wheelchair later if it struggled to move around but on the whole was pleased with it.
Maas to have lost it cause it was an affectionate little fighter. :(
Thanks for replying Ronott. Sadly the chick died yesterday. It looked like maybe a heart attack? But yesterday morning it was still eating and drinking and hopping around. It just looks like it had a nap and did not wake up. No visible signs of anything wrong, just looked a bit out of breath. But hopping on one leg would not have been easy.
I did have it at the vet on Friday just to double check that it was not in pain and the vet also agreed it looked fine and maybe would need a little wheelchair later if it struggled to move around but on the whole was pleased with it.
Maas to have lost it cause it was an affectionate little fighter. :(
I am sorry you lost the chick!

That does happen sometime. The others are acting normal?

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