Chick won’t STOP CHIRPING!!

UPDATE: since a lot of other posts about this never followed up or updated, I want to give a follow up.

Around week 3 Anne started to calm down a bit. She was still loud, she still went for hours a day, but it started to lessen a bit. By week 4-5 she was still doing it, but not in a “I need something” way but more as just noise. By the time she was a full 5 weeks old she was just as noisy (or not noisy as it were) as the other chicks. She is now 6 weeks old, and like any good mama I can tell them all by sound who is calling for me and when, and she still calls for me when I’m standing right there and she wants love, but she no longer is a strobe light of need and volume. She chirps and peeps in a normal volume. She is however one of my biggest love bugs. She wants to be first into my hands/arms when I open the brooder, she loves to sit on me and snuggle when they have fun run around time and in the end, I think it was just a desperate chick calling for mama & couldn’t handle not being apart for awhile. She must have imprinted on me to a degree that she felt the need to always be on me (& couldn’t calm down for a little bit even when I was holding her- just like a distraut toddler would be). So, not sure if this helps anyone else, but take heart- the noise stops… it might take 4 weeks of endless noise and distractions and cuddles, but it did stop!
Thank you for sharing!

I just purchased today 2 newborn Amberlinks from TSC. I have the same exact problem that you have! I had 2 other customers hear me walk out of the store with the one chick making loud chirps. They both commented. My babies from last year never did this. I am going crazy. She chirps loudly and constantly. Even with the bathroom door closed I can hear her loud voice. This has lasted for hours, but she is asleep now. I posted a message elsewhere on this site about this. Keep in touch. Let me know if you find out how to solve this, please. I hope a loud, constant chirping chick does not turn out to be a loud, constant noisy adult. I cant take that and I am sure that my neighbors wont like tat either. Thank you.
I did post an update in here so you can go back and see that. But in the end, it was time that did it. It took weeks (3 or 4?) for Anne to calm down. Now she is as quiet and mellow as the rest of them and it is all happy quiet bird noises. But I thought I would lose my ever loving mind for awhile there.

In retrospect, the only thing I didn’t try, was the YouTube videos of happy mama and chick sounds. I don’t think that would have helped in this case- I think she was imprinted on me (since it started on day 3 or 4) and that she needed ME around 24/7, but since you have fresh from the store babies who have spent their entire early life surrounded by dozens to hundreds of baby chicks, maybe try that and see if the sounds of happy, quiet peeping babies and a clucking mama sounds will help.

But Anne is now quiet, but her bond to me is super strong. And I can still hear when it’s her peeping/clucking in the other room- her “sound” is burned into my brain and even now that it’s a quiet one, I can still ID her chirp 😆

But yeah… it took a month. First few weeks was no change, then it slowly faded away (like when you have a cold and can’t stop coughing and it goes on so long that you almost don’t notice when then constant cough becomes occasional and then finally stops). But now she is as normal as the rest and not an issue. Good luck!!
Thank you so much for your detailed advice. I am happy to say once we put her in the brooder and it heated up to a hot temperarture she quieted down. Since last night she has been great.
I’m glad it was just the temp/comfort issue. It’s great to be loved deeply and needed by my chicks, but it was exhausting to have to hear it non stop for a month!

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