Chicken and Duck thoughts and quirks that make us laugh.


Owner/Operator R&S Mini Velociraptor Petting Zoo
Feb 1, 2023
Four Oaks NC
I work from home, we have a small just dtarting out homestead and currently tend to 23 animals.
I get a little cabin fever and try to rationalize some of their quirks and weird things they do. Thinking of doing a collection and illustrating it with feather babies and their thoughts on life.
Bear with
How to describe a chickens thought process?
So remember when all the kids a game when we were younger and there was always the one kid who kept shifting the rules and trying to convince everyone it was how he was taught or how you always played?
That's a chicken. They are creatures of habit...except not the habits you expect or want really.
Bedtime they turn in to toddlers who keep getting out of bed for "one more" drink, potty, kiss and immediately into a grease covered pig when you try and grab their psych butts running around the yard like there isn't something in the woods waiting to take them out.
Bought feed, one decided "ew"..had to buy more feed, bought the best feed. They were set to feast like queens. Except now they only like duck food and prefer their oyster shell next to the feeder set at a 45 degree angel in a bowl from my kitchen.
They want attention oh mom isn't looking at me the entire time, she must of forgotten me. Let me beak her knee meat consistently so she knows I'm here" commence screaming then pecking repeatedly. Yet you want some cuddles and they turn in to Stuart from MadTV. Playing your hand is lava and yelling nooooo.
Mom cleaned the nesting box! I'm so happy, I've. Been holding this in since yesterday.
Mom has to clean box again.
Ducks, man oh man ducks.
Clean dry bedding..turn to put bag down. Bedfing soaked and no one knows what happened.
Spend all morning cutting veggies and preparing a culinary experience for them..
" mom I don't want that'll, but I found this peice of metal where I used my bill to dig a 6 inch deep hole, looks like it's pretty old. I'll eat that instead. It's just what I wanted!"

Anyone else want to share your babies quirks and explain their reasoning like they can speak out loud lol?

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