Chicken and Rooster collectibles - who cannot resist 'em?


Covered in Pet Hair & Feathers
10 Years
Sep 22, 2009
My slice of heaven in Somerset, CA
I thought I'd start a thread of chicken/rooster items I've come across in my 'Net noodling excursions. These are things I want, think are nifty, or which otherwise fascinate me. I happen to know there are other BYCers who share the same lust for chicken stuff.

If any of y'all come across sumpin' d'ya think you could say where you found it, too? I know I would appreciate it...

The first item I want to list today is this one, from Paragon:
a GORGEOUS rooster planter. (As in putting a potted plant inside it, not planting rows of roosters to harvest when they mature...)
That is a nice planter! We received as a gift a terra cotta hen planter, in which are grown (you guessed it) hens and chicks!

I currently am eyeing this, but is has been out of stock for a bit:
I picked up a setting hen and standing rooster made out of coconuts at a yardsale! They are sooo cute!!

I named them Coco and Nutt.

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Those are so adorable!! If I saw that at a yard sale I would have snatched it up in a second, lol. My husband finds it somewhat irritating, but my eye just seems to fall on anything chicken. Can't help it! The find is even better when the object looks like one of my girls.
Wow, so pretty. I have finally cleared the space above the kitchen cabinets off after convincing hubby that some of the stuff was downright fugly (been up there since the 70s
) and needed to go into storage. Hope to be able to afford starting my kitchen chicken collection soon.

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