Chicken badly pecked won’t eat or drink or walk (pictures included)


In the Brooder
Oct 1, 2023

My chicken had been badly pecked on the head by another hen. I think it was happening for 30 minutes to one hour before I realised. (young Polish bantam, born May 2023)

He was lying on the ground and lifeless when I rushed him inside. He is still alive. I cleaned the head, I’ve used topical antibiotic/antiseptic spray on the wound, I’ve bought Poultry Nutri Drops which I use once daily and have added sugar syrup to add to water. I’ve phoned the Vet and they said there isn’t much more I can do.

There hasn’t been much improvement 48 hours later (happened Friday 7pm, now Sunday 9.30pm) apart from now standing up, eyes open, preening feathers and alert. But the chicken isn't walking, won’t eat or drink. I’ve been syringing droplets of water into their beak slowly to give some sort of hydration. He’s strong enough to try and resist me. I’ve taken him outside to show the other hens but always been right beside him but he just puts his head down. The bully hen has gone, I got rid of her the next morning and the other hens are fine with the injured presences. (Injured is kept inside and apart but showing them hes still here)

I’m getting really concerned about him not eating, drinking or walking. He can stand and move his feet when he wishes but won’t walk around his make shift pen. I’ve put treats down and mealworms but won’t eat. Not sure if it’s shock? Is he too poorly?

When put on his side, he puts himself back on his feet, he can move his feet/legs, he can balance on my hand and perch on me, there is strength there but refusing to take steps.


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Polishes have vaulted skulls, sometimes head injuries can cause neurologicalissues ssues.
Give him 400i.u vitamin E and and about a third of a B complex tablet every day.
Thank you! The nutrient drops have all added vitamins in it but I’ll see what else I can get. I’ve watched her walk around the bed she’s in to her comfy but won't walk.
Not in strong enough doses, he needs direct support.
And he is a he. :]
Okay thank you for that!
His name is Romeo but I got told today they think he’s a girl so now I have no idea what it is. I always thought a cockerel. He isn’t crowing yet so that made me wonder.
Okay thank you for that!
His name is Romeo but I got told today they think he’s a girl so now I have no idea what it is. I always thought a cockerel. He isn’t crowing yet so that made me wonder.
I took him wanting a cockerel, so thanks for clarifying! :)

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