Chicken Book Club


Aug 7, 2022
South Central PA
Hello BYC members! Me and @AmeraucanaHank would like to introduce you to the BYC Chicken Book Club. In this club, we will be discussing certain books that are chicken related.

In this thread, we will be discussing certain chicken books that we would like to read and to recommend to the other BYC members. It is still yet to be determined if we will allow books with other backyard/farm animals (cow books, goat books, etc.)

So post some book suggestions and they can be any books ( joke books, fiction books, non-fiction books, etc.) You are more than welcome to post a photo of the book and a little synopsis about what the book is about.

Here's my example:
I found this one book at Tractor Supply called How to Speak Chicken: Why Your Chickens Do What They Do and Say What They Say but you can buy the book anywhere.
Here's a photo:
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I recently finished this book: Why Did the Chicken Cross the World?: The Epic Saga of the Bird that Powers Civilization

It goes into the history of the chicken, from junglefowl to its spread across the world. I would say the first 1/4th - 1/3rd of it is an extended say of saying how mysterious the origins of the chicken are and can drag a bit in the way that throughout books can drag, but I still think the information itself is interesting enough to people who really like chickens... Otherwise I don't have much criticisms. I would have liked if the book went more into different breed history other than Cornish X, but it is already kind of long so I get why the author didn't want to add more. I am not a chicken expert so maybe someone who knows more might find issue, but I really enjoyed the book overall.

Is there an ETA on the BYC book club? I would love to join. :)

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