Chicken Breed Focus - Ameraucana

Hmm...I'm curious to know if this chick will end up being a little cockerel...there's a white spot on "his" head that in a purebred Legbar would mean that he's a he. I wonder if the same will hold true for your Legbar X Am cross? It would be cool if you could update us when "he" matures! Pretty chickens, btw!!!
If the hen was the Legbar, than that chick is a sexlinked cockerel.
She turned out to be a beautiful, if a bit small, hen, laying blue eggs. She was a bit flighty at first but has calmed down greatly. The bielefelder hybrid also was a hen and lays greenish eggs. I love the calm quiet behavior of both of them.
Here she is, all grown up. You can't in this photos but she has very small tufts at her cheeks. According to the breeder she is 75% Ameraucana and 25% Cream Legbar.
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The other Ameraucana hybrid is possibly 1/2 Bielefelder according to the breeder. Here she is all grown up...
dustbathing with the cream legbar hybrid.
And a final photo of both the 25% Cream Legbar/75% Ameraucana and the 50% Bielefelder/ 50% Ameraucana. The hate my cell phone so I can only snap a photo when they aren't paying attention.
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This was posted in another location as well but didn't find this particular site at first...

Myself and several friends raise Ameraucana hens and we have all experienced them to stop laying after doing so for several weeks/months. They stop, then after a couple weeks they start laying again. We all feed high quality, organic, layer pellets with high protein treats, plenty of fresh water, free roam during the day and of course oyster shell and grit. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to how they stop laying....anyone else ever experience this with the Ameraucana breed? All of our other hens are producing well and almost daily, just skipping every 4th or 5th day.,
This was posted in another location as well but didn't find this particular site at first...

Myself and several friends raise Ameraucana hens and we have all experienced them to stop laying after doing so for several weeks/months. They stop, then after a couple weeks they start laying again. We all feed high quality, organic, layer pellets with high protein treats, plenty of fresh water, free roam during the day and of course oyster shell and grit. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason to how they stop laying....anyone else ever experience this with the Ameraucana breed? All of our other hens are producing well and almost daily, just skipping every 4th or 5th day.,
Actual Ameraucana or Easter Eggers? Easter Eggers tend to be decent layers, as long as they get enough protein. True Ameraucana can be very poor, inconsistent layers. True Ameraucana always have a color/variety specified and are a consistent breed. Easter Eggers are frequently sold as Ameraucana, but they aren't really a breed at all. They are more of a landrace or type, and vary widely.

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