Chicken Breed Focus - Norwegian Jaerhon

Thanks for the offer of the rooster but you are correct in shipping him. Laura im still wanting some from you even if i do find something. Bill
Only Norwegian hatched out so far this year. I only put one Norwegian egg along with some Norwegian crosses in my incubator . Will do more next round.

5 weeks old
My Grace was a Norwegian Jaerhon. She was an amazing hen! I has so much fun with her, and she would always let me hold her, and came to the door of the run to meet me every time I went up to the coop. What an awesome little chicken!!!! Miss her very much. She has been gone for several years now.... RIP Grace the Wonder Chicken!
I was just given 12 chicks by our 4H leader. Not finding a lot of info on them. I seem to have different colors than most people. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Any websites you guys like? I can't figure out how to sex them either.
Who still raises these and might have hatching eggs? I looked at these some years ago but ended up going with Icelandics ( which I still love!) I am taking a second look at these, along with Hedemoras ( found someone local with those eggs!:) ), Dwarf Olandsk and Svart Hona.
The Norwegian Jaerhon is the only chicken breed that is considered truly Norwegian in origin. It was developed around 1920 near the town of Stavanger on the Southern Atlantic coast of Norway, and was introduced to the US about twenty years ago.

While a small breed, with the hens only around 3.5 pounds, it is a good layer and the hens lay medium to large white eggs. They are an active and hardy breed, that is rather reactive in temperament and good at avoiding hawks. They are excellent foragers, good and persistent flyers bordering on escape artists, and will roam widely if given the chance.

They are single combed and clean legged. They come in three usual colors, with their feather pattern looking like they have bad barring in dark brown, light yellow, and another color called Flame that was developed by Sandhill Preservation Center. Day old chicks are auto-sexing.


Breed purpose: Eggs
Comb Type: Single
Broodiness: Seldom
Climate Tolerance: Average
Weight: Hens 3.5 lbs. Roosters 5.0 lbs
Egg Productivity: Good
Egg Size: Medium/Large
Egg Color: White

Pic by @becky3086

Pic by @Roosterfry

Pic by @Amyable

Pic by @Roosterfry

BYC Breed Reviews:

BYC Breed Discussions:

Do you own Jaerhons? Are you a Jaerhon breeder? If so, please reply to this thread with the your thoughts and experiences, including:

· What made you decide to get this breed?
· Do you own them for fun? Breeding? Some other purpose?
· What are your favorite characteristics about this breed?
· Post some pics of your birds; male/female, chicks, eggs, etc!

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