Chicken Coop and Tractor *PICS*

Moe Biscuits

In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 14, 2011
Belton, MO
So after the cut/paste/resize/organize/upload/fight-with-photobucket thing, I finally have some pics of my coop construction. Still not finished, and the design keeps changing, but I'm hoping to be able to get my birds outta the basement and into their new home by the end of today.

Getting started. The back wall is an old screen door from the back porch. My girlfriend's daughter suggested using it, and after looking at it sideways, I could easily see where to put a vent, and the nesting boxes. Fit perfectly! Bottom frame and front posts are 2x3's.

Me, deep in thought about how to build the nesting boxes.

Nesting box done (amost). Still have to reinforce and shingle the top, and put the latches on.

I managed 3 boxes (about 12x13) for six birds. And of the dozens of hinges I have around here, none of 'em worked, so I still had to go buy some small utility hinges.

Floor framed in. I had an odd-shaped piece of 3/4" plywood leftover from redoing my bathroom floor, so it framed out a little odd, but it works.

Floor with some leftover vinyl tiles. Had to redo the tiles with some liquid nails - they all fell off when I turned it on its side. The roof joists are 1x2's, which basically leave a 1 1/2" gap at the top for ventilation.

Cut, cut, cut, all day long. Cut that wood while I sing this song. Of course, the requisite liquid refreshment always on hand.

That's a total of 3 roosting bars. I was trying to imagine six chickens on the one bar (about 4 feet long) and thought it might get a little crowded. So I added two more, running katty-corner.

Right side, with vent and opening for a flip-up access door.

Left side, same setup.

And the front. This will be a sliding door with a ramp for them to get in and out. Yeah, I know the "window frames" aren't exactly square, but I really can't imagine the chickens saying, "I ain't livin' in a house with the windows all chueco like that. You better fix it."

My idea as of right now (and there have been many changes thus far) is to have the coop sitting about 18 inches off the ground with a small run off the front. I was going to do a large "hoop-coop" style run, but decided to build that separately. So far, the dogs don't seem to bother the birds, so I'm hoping they may be able to free range during the day. But in case they can't, I want to have a good-sized run for them to hang out in, that can be easily moved from place to place. With the coop attached, it would just be too heavy.

I've already gotten loads of good information and ideas from the BYC Coop Construction page, as well as from the forums. However, since this is my first time, I would greatly welcome any further input or suggestions.

More pics to come!
Thanks! It's been a bit of an ordeal, but I'm having fun with it.

On a sidenote, what does everyone use to attach hardware cloth? I've been using a heavy-duty staple gun which works, but seems just a little flimsy, I guess.
It looks great! I've been using a heavy duty staple gun as well, but I think I'll reinforce that with some longer screws with washers for extra strength, that seems to be the most suggested course here in BYC.

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