chicken coops?

Hi Mrs. Harris. What part of Long Island are you in? I am in Nassau Co. I haven't committed myself yet either, but am planning to build a coop and run over the winter. Bluie
To the newbies here,

If you don't already have chickens, you really don't know what you're getting into.
Chickens are sooooo ADDICTING:
I assure you that you will find yourself wanting more and more and more and more, GET THE PICTURE?

I started with 3 at Easter, now have 45, and am constantly refiguring my "limited space" so I can have even more.


Edited to add:

Coop type and size depends on how many chickens you want to keep, and how much $$ you want
to spend.

Chickens don't need the Hilton, just something cozy and warm and predator proof.
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Thanks everyone. I think I'll give it a shot. You will be hearing from me. Have a great day!
mrs. harris :

My daughter is begging for chicks. I'm not sure I can do this..LOL Im on Long Island. I see your near VT. Are you near Wilmington? Back to the chickens-this looks like a full time job. Am I crazy to start this? Thanks:

I am very close to wilmington. I love going to wilmington, there are so many things to do.Places to shop. The people are all nice. The drive is beautiful too. I almost went today but DH has alot of stuff to do. Its less than an hour country drive.​
Thanks Cheryl, That link was great. I could never build a coop like that!! I loved it. Thanks it did give me an idea . Thanks again! HAPPY DAY!
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She is right by saying chickens are so addicting. I swore up and down that I would never have chickens and my husband would tease me saying you are going to go out and check to see how many eggs you are going to get today. I never thought in a million years that I would have chickens. I am a city turned country girl and never have been happier than when I am out in that coop with poop on my shoes feeding my chickens their treat for the day. It is the best therapy that I have come across.
I have to admit that like everything else I do, I normally start small, grow too big if I like it, and then wish I had not taken on quite so much.

I really loved having just Bo, but wanted more eggs than 4 or 5 a week.

I have 10 hens right now, and am raising 30 broilers.

3 of the hens are Aracaunas and they are not nearly as friendly as Bo and the Production Reds. They are flighty and will not come back to the chunnel at night. They aren't laying eggs yet, and I'm sure I'll think the easter eggs are cool, but right now, I'm not loving the Aracaunas much.

I think having 3, as pets with benefits, would be just about right.
mrs.harris. You are doing the right thing. Do the research before you make decisions! What are you in the market for? All hens lay eggs. You don't need a rooster to get eggs from the hens. Some hens are "friendlier" than others. Some lay more often than others. How much room do you have? This is a great place to find the answers to all your questions. If you don't have a rooster, you can better control the size of your flock of course. If you are into this for eggs, you need to understand the "broody hen". Once a hen goes "broody" nothing will make her as happy and hatching out eggs. And after she goes "broody" she won't lay until either she hatches out eggs, or you convince her to get off the nest.

Eggs from free range chickens have less cholesterol and more vit E and beta carotene than "store bought" eggs.

They are very entertaining. To tell the truth, I don't even know if hens will go broody if they don't have a rooster in the yard! Hmm. Ask around.
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Yes, a hen will go broody without a rooster; I think it has more to do with breed than anything.

As for temperament, I have seen some people say their Barred Rock was a little bossy, and that seems to be the case with Bo. However, she is VERY friendly, and will come sit on my lap when I'm outside and she is free ranging. She frequently falls asleep there....

My production reds and aracaunas are not as friendly or calm.

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