chicken coops?

I'm still working on the coop looking for nesting box ideas on here. I liked the stackable storage containers idea. I am curious as to how high the nesting boxes should be in comparison to the roosts. Also do the nesting boxes need to have hay or can I use the pine shavings that i will be using for the DLM on the floor. I have seen various dimensions for the nesting boxes on here from 12"x12" on up. Is this the width and height or depth and width. Fake eggs or golf balls, hmm?. Do I actually need a poop tray under the roosts or will using the DLM do the trick? And how much is that chicken in the window LOL.

3 Barred, 2 Lt Brahmas, 2 Prod blacks, 2 White Cochlins and 2 Dark Cornish my eating poop machines


Sweetie aka Smartie aka, Trouble

Farmer Mack
This is my coop, transformed from an old glider swing.
I only paid about $50 for the wire, staples and tarps.
Although I do have to spend more soon to buy some plywood to help keep them warm.


They are fun and not overly time consuming. We have ten chicks and one duckling, two cats, five hamsters and ten kids. We got a turkey coop from the neighbor when they moved and converted it into a chicken coop adding hardware cloth, chicken wire, nesting boxes and roosts thanks to the friendly advice on this forum. Now I'm trying to decide if I want to let them free range or build a run
I have been fortunate enought to have built my coop/coops out of all used lumber tin nails you name it no cost for the materials!!!
Our coop/coops sizes are 16'L 10'W 8'T the runners I'm going to put up will be 20'W 100'L all the materials I found around by where I live. I'll try to posts some pics of what I have accomplished so far (may have about $40 in gas for hauling everthing here) I have some big plans in the spring, my backyard is 143'W x 400'L

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