Chicken death!


Jul 10, 2020
Hello everyone! I wanted to see if anyone has any idea why one of my hens died and do I need to be concerned for the rest of my flock or not? I’m at a lost on what could have happened to her. Yesterday I noticed she was kinda lazying around and her comb was kinda pale. Then this morning I found her sitting on the floor of the coop. So I picked her up and put her in a crate away from the rest of the flock. I looked her over really well but didn’t find anything. I gave her a little water with a dropper. Then a few hours later she looked like she had a seizure and died. I have no idea what was wrong she was only 2 years old. Any answer to what it possibly could have been? With no other symptoms
What's the weather like where you are? Did you notice any diarrhea? Could it have be heat stroke?
Yes it’s been really hot here in Georgia so I guess that’s possible. I’m not sure about her droppings in particular cause she was with 19 more chickens but I do notice some loose droppings on an occasion but I think it normal when it’s this hot

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