chicken eating plastic! will they live?????

Mackie n chicks

6 Years
Sep 22, 2013
Banffshire, Scotland
I have winter extensions for the chickens for when we have 70mph winds and snow (we live in the highlands of Scotland) - we've had both recently, however I thought the rats were getting to the plastic as they had started to be eaten away. The coop has been there for as long as our two wyandottes have which has been nearly a year. Today I just spotted the wyandottes eating the plastic so I removed it and in the process one of them ran up, snatched a very large bit and proceeded to eat it before I could grab it from her. There is no way any vet near us will attempt an operation on a chicken, they find it ridiculous when I insist on them being treated for anything and know virtually nothing about them. Will she die? is there anything I can do? she's walking about fine at the moment but it won't have affected her yet. Any help would be appreciated! They are usually very clever! I don't know why they have started to doing this.
It depends. If it perforates anything internally, she won't make it. If not, then she should be okay. A friend of mine had a hen that died and she sent her in for necropsy - the hen had eaten a screw and it perforated her intestines.
Mine have eaten all manner of things, as Cacique500 mentioned. They don't seem to be bothered by this behavior. If one eats something akin to a screw, then the results can be catastrophic. Unless they are kept in a controlled environment, what they eat is difficult to control. They are commonly pecking at something, and are attracted to the strangest things.

One of mine once ate the plastic bandaid off my leg. Like you, I was in hysterics. From that moment on, I followed that hen around, until next morning she pooped out the mangled bandaid, sans the guaze pad. She seems quite unfazed.

My chickens can't seem to get enough of the paraffin off my snow shovels and anything I caulk with silicon sealer must be covered with a hardware cloth patch or they will pull it out and eat it.

None, over these years, have shown the least detriment from these culinary oddities.

My Little’s , in their last week in the garage brooder, have torn up a few of the puppy pads that are thr bottom layer of the litterthe puppy pads and eaten the plastic. I didn’t realize they were eating it, thought they we re just digging through the shavings and tearing it up. I watched one wolf down a big piece
Just now. Needless to say i pulled the rest of the puppy pads up. Too bad because this has worked wonderfully controlling odor. I hope they are ok!
Ok.thank you everyone for your great responses to eating the plastic. Our 6 month old adventurous girl ran into the laundry room and ate a foam earplug. I can't find anywhere on line about what to do when a chicken eats an earplug. There are tons of articles when a dog or child eats one. Crossing fingers and hoping that she doesn't die while we are on vacation! I have tears on my eyes from laughing at everyone else's similar issues. Thank you!

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