Chicken Eggs not hatched by Day 27?


Apr 30, 2021
The weekend after Easter I put 22 eggs int the incubator, had 17 go into lockdown, and 15 hatch on day 21. I still have 2 eggs (one brown & one white) in the incubator as of today, Day 27. I candles them yesterday and couldn’t see into the brown one at all and the white one had a great air cell in it - clean lined and all - and I could see some veins on the outer part of the dark area. It looks like a perfectly good developed and ready - to - hatch egg. I put both back in the incubator and spaced them out some. Is it possible for chicks to hatch this late? Do I need to do something to help them?
I agree, probably too late by now for them to still be alive. What I've done with unhatched eggs is carefully open them all to see if I can find out why they did not hatch. Carefully open, since miracles happen and one could be alive in there.

In an incubating situation where conditions are ideal all of the eggs should hatch within 24 hours of each other. The next day is when I would candle, and then open any unhatched. Normally all of my hatches are one day early.
I agree, probably too late by now for them to still be alive. What I've done with unhatched eggs is carefully open them all to see if I can find out why they did not hatch. Carefully open, since miracles happen and one could be alive in there.

In an incubating situation where conditions are ideal all of the eggs should hatch within 24 hours of each other. The next day is when I would candle, and then open any unhatched. Normally all of my hatches are one day early.
How did you go I have 21 day 27 and all alive in there eggs so do I sit and wait
How did you go I have 21 day 27 and all alive in there eggs so do I sit and wait
can you get a photo of a couple eggs being candled? Are you using a calibrated thermometer in the incubator? (or are they under a broody?)
Are you seeing the babies moving?

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