chicken found cant walk

Aaawwww, well done for helping this poor chook, I would so love you to get her better, just think, she would probably be in someones fridge by now!! I am hoping for good news, once the bruising goes down you will get a better idea about her legs X
Marek's birds have extremely nasty smelling poops. If you ever smell it, you will never forget it! They also progress to having dark to bright green poops. Again, once you see it, you won't forget. The smell is diagnostic, in my opinion.
Hi Leadwolf, what does the poop tell you about Marek's? - I didn't know there was a poop thing too!
Tylenol can cause kidney, you can OD on tylenol and I have no idea what the safety factor is on tylenol and chickens. It is toxic to most animals other than humans..
Tylenol can cause kidney, you can OD on tylenol and I have no idea what the safety factor is on tylenol and chickens. It is toxic to most animals other than humans..

Yes if you consume it every day. My doctor during pregnancy told me in a single dose you can not od on it. Most of the other threads on here do suggest asprin and have dosage guidelines. I did read online just now to not give it to poultry.
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That's what I was afraid of...

I'm a little shocked that your ob would tell you that. Mine was very conservative on the amount of any meds that I put into my body while pregnant.
Yes if you consume it every day. My doctor during pregnancy told me in a single dose you can not od on it. Most of the other threads on here do suggest asprin and have dosage guidelines. I did read online just now to not give it to poultry.
copied my post and pictures to the meat bird forum and found out as suspected, she is a meat bird that was on her way to the slaughter house. Most recommend slaughtering her as she is outgrowing her body so to speak, just not sure how to do it. I cant eat her, not now and am trying to come up with a quick, humane way to euthanize her without cutting her throat. Any suggestions?
Try searching humane culling/slaughter/ the search field. There are many ways, you need to pick one that you are comfortable with.

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