Chicken harness?

The Camo Bulldog

5 Years
May 31, 2017
I would like to get a chicken harness for one of my chickens, Calla, but I'm looking for advice, what I'd like to do is put it on her and leave it on her so that I could tell her apart from the rest of the flock easier, she's an australorp so there isn't much variation physically between her and the rest of our australorps, and also so I could walk her on a leash, I know it sounds funny but I think it would be fun. My mother doesn't think it would be a great idea to have it on her all the time because she's free range and doesn't have her wings clipped, so she's worried about her getting snagged in a tree or something. Is that something that could be a problem? Also, what's your opinion on attaching a dog tag to the harness so if she wanders off I can be contacted? Thanks in advance for any advice!
You cant leave a harness on them without your constant watch.

It sounds fun until you put it on them and they flop
Around and flap and jump and walk backwards!!!

It takes time to train,weeks...

X2 use the leg bands!!!
Thanks for the advice, I'll just go with a leg band for identification, though I am determined to get a harness and train her to walk on a leash. Lol. Is there any way to attach my name and phone number to a leg band or a zip tie?
Even after a few months of training the harnesses aren't always a hit. Now that my girls are maturing the second the harnesses go on they flop down flat. I guess you call it passive resistance. They have waited until we are out in public to do it as well, that's always fun. Go with a wing tag, or paint a toenail but trust me the harnesses aren't fun.
I've done a lot with harness training and if the harness is properly fitted they do fine. If it's too tight that's when they start to flop or if it is a harness that hits the crop or interferes with their balance. I spent a while finding a design I liked and that my birds were fine with. Usually they preen a little to fix the feathers the harness messed up and then are fin with things. Mine love their harnesses and love walking around. I have a few trained to follow me using a treat reward system, while mostly I just let them go where they wish to.

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