Chicken Keeps Eyes Closed, Had Beak Glued Shut


Jun 7, 2020
I don't even know where to start. I was catching my neighbors chickens bc they are moving. I pick this silke up and there is sooo many problems. It never opens its eyes, it's beak was glued shut by discharge(?) comeing from its mouth, it was standing in an ant line, and it looked like it had blood all over one wing.
I brought only this chicken and another sick chicken back and left the healthy ones for now. This silke has red/brown/black discharge coming from its beak. I got its beak open and it looks like it had a lot of dirt and feathers in its mouth. The mouth is clean now and she has drank water, but she keeps her eyes closed at all times. The lids have no crust around them, and the eye itself looks fine when I open them manually. She was very lethargic but acts very alert now, but still won't open her eyes. ANY ideas??
I understand this is probably a bacterial infection or virus. I am asking what specifically it may be, and things I can do to help her. It is 11 pm here so I can't really take pics rn.
The silke now keeps one eye half open, and the other closed. She won't drink by herself and I have been giving her electrolyte water through a syringe. She also ate 30 ml of raw egg, but she won't eat by herself. The discharge keeps gluing her beak shut and it smells like a rotting animal. Her crop is very small and tight, and I assumed it was just grit because I doubt she has eaten solid food in awhile. Could this be sour crop? What should I feed her and is there medication she needs?
Pic is discharge on a Q-tip.


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The other hen I took has a sick bird posture, but she is active. She drinks by herself and scratches at the water dish, but is not eating. She enjoyed eating the egg from syringe, and she was very interested in dubia roaches (pet lizard food, isn't store bought) but she doesn't eat them. She picks them up and it looks like she drops them on purpose (like a mother hen feeding her chicks.) Her crop is completely empty, I don't even feel grit unlike the silke.
She keeps her neck scrunched but will move it when she drinks. She has no external injuries except little scabs on her comb. It looks like her right eye is being pushed down by something. The red on her feathers is a stain, I tried washing it already. I am asking what is wrong, and how I can help.
Remember I just got these birds. I do not know how long they have been like this, and I don't know what they could have got contact to.


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Is her mouth clean and clear of plaques? There is a parasitic disease called canker that causes a bad odor and sticky plaques. If pigeons are numerous and feed and drink in the same spaces as these chickens, it makes the case for canker stronger.
For canker I am looking for a yellow fat like growth right? I did not see anything like that, but she does have the black mucus around the edges of her top beak. The roof of her mouth is yellowish, but it does not look like canker to me. There is no pigeons in our area. This pic shows what I am talking about well, but I added many more in attachments. 20231203_121907.jpg


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Do you have your own birds? Be sure to practice biosecurity between handling these and your own birds.

You mention her wing had blood - can you get photos of all of her?

Not sure what's going on there, they both seem to be sick from something.
Any lice/mites?
If you can seek vet care, that would be best, this will help you rule out what's ailing these 2 and will give you more information as to what type of treatment (if any) they need and whether it's something that can be passed on to your own birds.

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